Sunday, July 27, 2008

So Far Comments on Assasin's Creed


I love the way they did the game play of this game. In this game, you get to Eavesdrop, Pickpocket, and Interrogate people. Well that's just the way assassins do it right? They do this stuff to get information about their target. The next thing I like about this game is when you save an innocent citizen, they'll pay you back. When I say paying you back, I mean they do stuff to block the guards chasing you or to give you people to blend on which is really helpful in this game. When guards start to chase you, you have three choices. It's either you kill all of them, you blend on the scholars or you pass the vigilantes to block the guards and find a hiding spot. I also like the action of this game. It's not that boring and it's not that gory either. It's just simply great. Your character can do great counter attacks on your opponent. You can get great tactics on fighting guards to. Either killing them off by doing counter attacks or you just push them off a cliff (haha). I kinda laugh every time I kill all guards by just pushing them off an edge. It's just so funny! I also like the story lines of all the targets in this game. They all have different character backgrounds.


What I don't like in this game is that it just gets repetitive once you go on the game. You just synchronize on tall buildings, save citizens, do some investigations and then kill the target. You'll get bored once you advance through the game. But if you like killing people in games, well this is the game for you!

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